Sixth meeting held in Sliema/Malta, February 16th – 17th 2017
Our sixth transnational meeting took place on the island of Malta and was hosted by HERMES which acts as a service provider for international placement and internships via Erasmus+ in Malta. Besides discussing project management issues, the meeting focused on the Evaluation of Findings deriving from the extensive data collected in the online survey conducted in mid 2016. Each partner organisation presented the results and findings of its country following the questions: What was expected? What was surprising? What are the main proposals for improvement made by teachers, trainers and students? What would be our proposals to the relevant authorities in our country?
The afternoon working session was used to discuss the Report of Findings with its parts of Comparative Study and the Country Reports. While the Comparative Study focuses on the key questions selected on occasion of an earlier project meeting, the Country Reports focus on questions more relevant to the specific country.
The second day concentrated on the discussion of the up-coming Manual on WBT as the main intellectual output of the project. The group agreed on the possible content, the structure and schedule of product which will summarize the main findings of the online survey, present conclusions and recommendations for improvement of work-based training and illustrate examples of good practice. The Manual is seen to be finalized by June 2017.
The meeting was framed by a ferry boat trip from the meeting place to Valetta, a city walk through the capital and a splendid social dinner at a particular restaurant in the heart of the city.